The Light Side of the Force
I live in a limbo sort of state - U.S. citizenship and American cultural baggage that pains me to see what happens there, coupled with a Mexican husband, Mexican children, Mexican permanent residency, and a Mexican heart that makes me experience life here first hand, with all its own terrible realities and shocking inconsistencies. I cannot say I have it hard. Don't get me wrong. What I'm saying is a see lots. Too much, I think. I feel it all too closely. I see both sides of lots of debates. And I can't get my head around a lot of it. Let's get one thing straight. I'm writing this from the comfort of my home, my privilege, my very privileged life; that on any given day, can be sheltered from the hard, heinous reality that so many others live and struggle through. I am not afraid that I will be shot by a policeman on a routine traffic stop. I am not in fear of my children not going to school because their teachers are on strike. I do not worry where our next meal w...