A letter to Lucas

Dear Lovebug,

In a week's time you will officially bear the pretty wonderful title of "big brother." Andrés, your little brother, will arrive on Saturday, January 25, 2014, and change our world forever. Yes, we will love him and care for him and wonder what we ever did without him, but I predict it will be another roller coaster of days, weeks and months before we feel calm again like we do now. That's ok. That's part of life, and if there's anything I pride myself on having taught you, and something that I know you're darn good at, is adaptability. We will get through it all, stronger and happier than before, I just know it, but please have patience with me, with Papi and with life as we learn how to do it all again.

You have been the center of my world for three years now. As a mother, I was born with you. I guess you could say I'm only three years old too, so I hope you'll forgive my occasional tantrums and my moments of impatience, and enjoy my silliness and my absolute love for you. I have tried very hard to be the best mother I can be and you, my love, have shown me so very many things in the process. Thank you. In three years with you I have learned to sing and dance like never before, tell stories in unending streams (especially the zombie ones and "the cat and the mouse" stories that you love so much!), build Lego fantasies, draw and paint to my heart's content (not that I'm still any good at it, but you don't seem to mind), cook more food and figure out new ways for you to eat it than I ever thought possible, create worlds for your imagination to grab on to, scare away monsters, see imaginary friends, mend boo-boos and wipe away tears, and laugh and laugh and laugh with you. You've helped me to be a more patient, loving, caring, selfless and yes, human, person than ever before (though I admit some days I'm a better human than others). Your joy fills my heart and your laughter makes everything, no matter what is happening in the world around, better. You are such a very special boy, Lucas, thank you for being mine.

I know that you will be an amazing big brother. Since we told you that a baby was coming, in your own innocent way you have taken care of me, showing off my belly to anyone who would listen as your brother has grown and become a bigger presence in our lives. You talk to him in my tummy and tell him all about the world out here. You've shared your toys, your food, all your things with a person that is still only a "story" for you. You've time and again proven how generous and kind your nature is and shown us how special you are. I have no doubt that you will teach Andrés so much about the world and be a wonderful example for him to love and follow. Be patient with him as he learns what you're already so good at and know that it's every little brother's job to make their sibling a bit crazy at times.

When you look at this years from now, I hope you'll see a family that is very much in love, with each other, with life and with going with the flow. I don't know where life will take us or what will happen along the way, but I trust that we'll be together, stronger in our unity and understanding of all of our innate differences as we all keep growing in our own ways. Know that I love you now and have always loved you with all my heart and that that will never, ever change. Know that though from now on you'll be the older brother, you will forever be my baby boy (although I promise when you get to college I won't call you that!).

I love you, Lovebug.



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